Electric Detonators



Electric detonator constitutes of an aluminium shell filled with a primary and a base explosive charge. The required electrical energy for the initiation of the detonator is supplied by two plastic-insulated metal wires called “leg wires” which is soldered to a fusehead inside the detonator. In Delay electric detonators, a pyrotechnic delay element is inserted on top of the explosive charge, which provides a predetermined time delay. The delay period number of each detonator is marked on a tag attached to the leg wire.

The time delay between successive blasts improves the results of the operation greatly. Judicious usage of delay detonators achieves good fragmentation with controlled throw, enabling easy mechanical handling and providing control of ground vibration, noise and flyrock.



  • CDET ELECTRA (Instantaneous)

Instantaneous Electric Detonators are used for simultaneous initiation of multiple explosive charges in a controlled manner having a wide range of applications like quarrying, opencast and non-gassy underground mining, on construction sites, for surface excavation, etc.


  • CDET VECTRA SDD (Millisecond Series)

CDET VECTRA SDD (Short Delay Detonator) have delay numbers ranging from 0 to 20 with a nominal time interval of (a) 25 milliseconds between successive delay numbers from 0 to 10 & (b) 50 milliseconds for 10 to 20. Short Delay Series detonators are designed for use in opencast and underground mines, for driving tunnels, shaft sinking and in quarries where multishot rounds are required.


  • CDET VECTRA LDD (Long Delay Series)

CDET VECTRA LDD (Long Delay Detonator) has delay numbers ranging from 0 to 12 with a nominal time interval of 0.5 second or mixed intervals of 0.3, 0.5 and 1.0 seconds between successive delay numbers. Long Delay Series detonators are designed for use in underground mining for driving shafts and tunnels, blasting raises and shaft sinking. In many cases they are used for stopeing in metal mines, trenching and other blasting applications. The longer delay period allows sufficient rock movement before firing the consecutive shot.


  • CDET ASTRA (For seismic and short reaction time applications)

Seismic application detonators are almost identical to instantaneous electric detonators. However, they are designed to have no appreciable time lag (< 1 ms) between the application of required current and detonation. They also give a higher output strength. CDET Astra detonators are made to withstand the severe environmental conditions associated with oil and gas exploration applications.



UN No. 0030
Class (Primary) 1.1 B Explosive

Marine Transport
Classified as Dangerous Goods by the criteria of the International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code (IMDG Code) for transport by sea; DANGEROUS GOODS.

Air Transport
TRANSPORT PROHIBITED under the International Air Transport Association (IATA) Dangerous Goods Regulations for transport by air in passenger aircraft and cargo aircraft


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